Friday, September 06, 2013

Actions Speak Louder Then Words

I was reading the NeuroLogica Blog today when I noticed something different

Here is what NeuroLogica Blog looked like today NeuroLogica Blog (Sept 6th 2013)

Here is what NeuroLogica Blog looked like on August 2nd NeuroLogica Blog (Aug 2nd 2013)

The relevant part is on the right hand side, under the heading General Science Blogs

Here is how it looked on August 2nd

Here is how it looks today

It appears that between August 2nd and today, Pharyngula was removed as a General Science Blog

I think this small act bDr. Novella speaks louder then anything else said about Pharyngula or PZ Myers to date.

1 comment:

  1. As long as the Pharyngula and FtB folk continue to act like spoiled children more people will be unwilling to associate themselves with them. Especially when the blog reads more like a gossip column than a science/philosophy education website.
