Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Of "Dr." Oz and Apple Juice

When I heard Oz was reporting that apple juice contained arsenic, my red flags went off.

It reminded me of the BPA scare a few years back, which turned into so much nothing.

Both issues are related in that the facts are true, but hugely distorted to spread FUD

With BPA, it is true that exposer to it can cause help issues. What was left out of the news reports is that if you microwave a plastic disk with BPA, the BPA will go away after a minute ot two.

So instead of throwing tupperware away and freaking out, spending a minute to sterilize it would have been effective, but that story doesn't get worried parent's butts in seats.

So much of the BPA story and this apple juice story is simply selling fear.

I'm not afraid, and you shouldn't be either
- Sent From My Blackberry