Friday, September 06, 2013

Actions Speak Louder Then Words

I was reading the NeuroLogica Blog today when I noticed something different

Here is what NeuroLogica Blog looked like today NeuroLogica Blog (Sept 6th 2013)

Here is what NeuroLogica Blog looked like on August 2nd NeuroLogica Blog (Aug 2nd 2013)

The relevant part is on the right hand side, under the heading General Science Blogs

Here is how it looked on August 2nd

Here is how it looks today

It appears that between August 2nd and today, Pharyngula was removed as a General Science Blog

I think this small act bDr. Novella speaks louder then anything else said about Pharyngula or PZ Myers to date.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Echo Chambers

I recently listened to The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe Podcast #424 and Steven Novella had a nice interview with Cara Santa Maria. During the interview, at about the 1 hour mark, the topic of echo chambers came up, and what Dr. Novella had to say really struck a cord with me.

He talked of how anti-vaxxers will make websites and forums where the only info you receive is from other anti-vaxxers, which only re-enforces their beliefs about the dangers of vaccines, and if you disagree, you are a troll.

Dr. Novella said that he does not think atheism will turn into an echo chamber as long as we keep these 2 guidelines .

1) Focus on the process, not the conclusion 

2) Seek out the other side and listen to what they have to say

I have to agree with both these guidelines, they work as a safe guard against the echo chamber.

This did get me thinking about another topic, namely Atheism+

I do not believe Atheism+ follows these 2 guidelines, they seem to know what the conclusion is (feminism and social justice) and they do not seek out the other side to listen to what they have to say. In fact, they go to great lengths to ignore the other side.

They build forums that are "safe spaces" and what do they mean by safe space? Let me quote the forum for you
Atheism Plus is a collection of like-minded people using safe spaces to hash out ideas. There is no dogma, just a general consensus among participants that the particular social justice issues it focuses on are important to them. 
There are no membership requirements beyond a commitment to taking seriously the need to have and maintain spaces where social justice issues can be discussed by atheists without interference from those opposed to the whole endeavor.
From this simple paragraph, you can see that they focus on the general consensus among themselves, they do not focus on the process at all, the process has finished and the general consensus will not be questioned.

You can also see that they do not seek out the other side, they wish to talk among themselves without interference from anyone with an opposing view.

If that isn't an echo chamber, I don't know what is.