Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Of Charles McVety and Homosexuals

I just heard Charles McVety on the Oakley show this morning talking about the teaching of gay issues to school children.

He had lots of fancy talking points about how this will corrupt the children and cause confusion.

But that is just smoke and mirrors, the real issue McVety has is that he doesn't want to normalize homosexuals.

Sure he wants them to be loved and respected, but he never wants them to be seen as normal.
Its the very fact that children will be taught that being gay is ok that McVety has the issue with. He wants gays to feel remorse and want to change their ways, and that won't happen if they don't know they should be ashamed.

The part that drives me nuts is that we won't admit this. He cloaks himself in parental rights, but that is easily seen as smoke and mirrors

He has no issue with schools teaching religious values to kids, no issues of parental rights there.

He has no issue with kids being taught that being black is normal and being disabled is normal, but he can't stand the fact kids will be taught being gay is normal.

I have no respect for McVety or his cause, but what saddens me the most were the callers I heard on the air.

"My friend in school was a tomboy and if she was taught being gay was ok, then she would be in therapy forever"

Arg.... The ignorance is scary in this world some days.

- Sent From My Blackberry

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