When I was about 5 or 6, I can remember lying in bed at night and just listening to the sounds of the house.
Like you would hear creaks and bumps and other such sounds, and that was all very normal.
But some nights, I heard something different.
Sometimes while breathing through my nose, I would hear what to me sounded like faint whispers.
No words could be understood, but in my child mind, I had this image of a female news reporter and the idea came to me that I was hearing a radio.
The catch was that the sound was coming from my nose.
One night while this happened, I went downstairs to see my dad and I asked him if he could check my nose and see if he saw a radio.
Like a good father, he checked and he did not make me feel dumb or stupid for asking. He looked up my nose and told me that he didn't see anything and that satisfied me and I went back to bed.
In time I stopped hearing this "Radio" and I have not thought it for years.
In this, I can see a blue print for my life as an adult.
I experienced something strange, I did some investigating to find the cause, and when I find evidence that indicates its just my imagination, I accept that and move on.
If only we were all so lucky.
- Sent From My Blackberry